Accounting Assistant

January Week 1 Reflection – Elina

Elina’s January Week 1 Reflection What movie/book (standalone or series) best represents your co-op experience at U+? Explain why. I would probably choose The Pursuit of Happyness. The story is about perseverance, self-improvement, and building relationships through challenging circumstances, in this case, the challenging circumstance is being online. My work with budgeting and project proposals

January Week 1 Reflection – Elina Read More »

December Week 3 Reflection – Elina

Elina’s December Week 3 Reflection Reflecting on your job performance, what factors (e.g., environment, intrinsic motivation) contribute to your productivity? Please briefly explain how so.   I think the clear expectations from my supervisor and teacher, as well as my time management, contribute to my productivity. The clear expectations from my supervisor and teacher to get

December Week 3 Reflection – Elina Read More »

December Week 3 Reflection – Aryan

Aryan’s December Week 3 Reflection Reflecting on your job performance, what factors (e.g., environment, intrinsic motivation) contribute to your productivity? Please briefly explain how so.  Several different factors contribute to my productivity at work. First, my peaceful and organized office environment plays a big role in helping me maintain my focus and minimize distractions, allowing

December Week 3 Reflection – Aryan Read More »

December Week 2 Reflection – Matthew

Matthew’s December Week 2 Reflection Describe a challenge you have faced in a project thus far. How did you overcome it? During the sponsorship project, ensuring consistency across our 15-page outline was challenging due to differing styles and ideas. I overcame this by organizing tasks, assigning sections based on strengths, and scheduling team reviews. Open

December Week 2 Reflection – Matthew Read More »