Erin's October Week 1 Reflection

Please share how you feel about the onboarding process. What are some resources that were helpful, and what’s something you’d like to see implemented in the future?
The onboarding and training process was very structured and helpful to me, it allowed me to prepare myself gradually into getting used to larger projects, and how to manage time wisely. I was able to grasp onto more about U+’s value, procedures, and expectations, and through that learned how to become a better employer. The videos/handbook and clear instructions given guided me perfectly as to a shift into more individual projects. However, in my opinion, Canva and Capcut eventually became my best and go-to resources for my projects as a marketing assistant, because I have a chance to practice different designing and editing skills, and improve these skills through everyday practices. I would perhaps want to implement more meetings for training purposes so that the first few weeks would have a much more clearer picture on how the company operates and where to seek out for tasks. It would also be best for co-ops to have questions answered thoroughly and even more willing to seek for help if maybe multiple meetings are held.
Describe your main tasks this week. Who did you work with? How did you approach the task? What did you accomplish?
My main tasks for the week were to make a Thanksgiving video to be posted on all the RES accounts, and upload U+ and YRES’s programs onto Eventbrite. I had to collaborate with my co-workers for the Thanksgiving video as he was responsible for Youtube Shorts, and mine being Tiktok. The two shared similar functions and to be posted as video format so that made us complete a video together. I viewed the task as something educational yet entertaining, so we made our video about the meaning behind Thanksgiving day, and some wishes to our audience. As for Eventbrite, it was more of an individual project but it required some clarifications and instructions from Zhen. Since I was in person that day, I believe I approached the task pretty quickly and eventually knew what to do after a few practices. Overall, I accomplished a lot in terms of learning more about different platforms and thinking from a company’s perspective. As well, I am able to practice my skills in communication, collaboration, attentive listening, and providing feedback to ensure my tasks are completed productively and with a high quality outcome.
What is one big challenge you faced this week? Who did you turn to when you needed support? Describe what you learned and what you would do differently the next time.
I would say I did not come across a big challenge because this week went out very smoothly. However, in the beginning where accounts were to be made encountered the issue of security code. Since I was online at the time the task was assigned, having to receive a code to verify in order to have access was quite a struggle. Without the code, I could not create one account, therefore, I reached out to Esa, who is my marketing manager. Unfortunately, Esa does not have access either but thankfully, I went to in-person the next day, which allowed me to ask Kevin in person to have the codes. Through this experience, I learned to initiate and speak up for any challenges or doubts so that help can be offered instead of struggling by myself. In terms of doing it differently, I would perhaps reach out to Kevin through text instead of waiting for it until the next day in-person. In that way, my problem could potentially be solved much faster so that I can move onto the next.
What are three main skills U+/YRES allowed you to leverage/develop this week? Reflect on how each skill brings value to your professional development and propels you forward in the industry.
Three main skills I developed this week would be collaboration, communication, and time management. Collaboration is a key working in any place, and I am very grateful that I am able to practice it through managing presentations with the Marketing team, and even the process of making a video. Through the different projects, I was able to collaborate with others through negotiating on what ideas to put into videos/presentations, suggesting edits to be made, and working things out so that everyone is satisfied with the outcome. As for communication, this week was a lot of asking questions and initiating help. I learned and practiced a lot on this skill because without proper communication, it would be hard to complete tasks in the correct way or receive the help when needed. Lastly, time management is the skill I improved the most on. Through the different tasks given by different project leaders and managers, time management is critical in order for tasks to be completed in a timely and good way. It taught me a lot about productivity when working on tasks, and finishing the work at least a day before the due date. This ties to responsibility as well! Hence, this week was a practice on different skills that allow me to continue striving for excellence in any workforce.
What personal motto or guiding principle would you bring with you to your role next week, and how do you see it helping you contribute to our organization’s mission?
A personal motto I have would be “Do not make yesterday’s work today’s”. I believe that this is always a good reminder to have everything needed to be done done on that same day. Procrastination could be a very challenging thing to overcome but having the mindset of finishing the work and not delaying it to the next day really allowed me to achieve greater tasks and learn more. By completing tasks in a productive manner, I am able to reach out to more tasks and learn more in what I am passionate about, and I feel that in the next weeks, this motto can guide me into completing my everyday tasks and gain new experiences and opportunities with my good time management.