Aruran's October Week 1 Reflection

Please share how you feel about the onboarding process. What are some resources that were helpful, and what’s something you’d like to see implemented in the future?
My onboarding and training process was fairly understandable and there was never a time where I was super confused or lost. However I did have a little bit of a challenge trying to finish the Onboarding Assignment 2 but it wasn’t too bad. One key resource I find extremely useful and would want to implement is using Slack to effectively communicate with my supervisors about any help that is required, etc.
Describe your main tasks this week. Who did you work with? How did you approach the task? What did you accomplish?
My main task was to update the Gary List ON on the Back to School Drive Tracker. The task was to fill out information about the sponsors, such as their email, company Instagram handle, any additional info and where they are located. Overall, it was quite easy but very time consuming as the list is extremely big. I worked with a couple people and we all tackle a row whenever we are done with the previous one. I managed to fill out a lot of rows.
What is one big challenge you faced this week? Who did you turn to when you needed support? Describe what you learned and what you would do differently the next time.
A big challenge I faced this week is not knowing what to do. After finishing my onboarding quiz, I assumed I would have to wait until my supervisors gave me a new assignment. So I took the time to go over some High School Co-op blogs and handovers. However, when Kevin checked up on me, that’s when I found out I was supposed to inform him I passed the onboarding quiz to receive my next task. So next time I have nothing to do, instead of waiting until someone gives me a task, I will take the initiative to ask my supervisor for work to do.
What are three main skills U+/YRES allowed you to leverage/develop this week? Reflect on how each skill brings value to your professional development and propels you forward in the industry.
Three main skills I could develop are communication, organization and time management. Communication is a really important skill because it would allow me to get out of any trouble I may have in the future. Organization allows me to know when to tackle each task, and to do it one by one, rather than doing some of one task and leaving it unfinished to start on another. Time management is arguably the most important skill because it shows how much one truly cares about their work. Time management allows me to know how long I should work on a task and budget my time accordingly.
What personal motto or guiding principle would you bring with you to your role next week, and how do you see it helping you contribute to our organization’s mission?
“Until we manage time, we can manage nothing else” – Peter F. Drucker
This motto allowed me to realize how crucial of a skill time management really is, and it is when I started to notice how hard completing tasks are without proper time management. It will always be my favourite motto and one I will always remember and live by.