Vanessa's November Week 4 Reflection
What have you observed in others (e.g., team members, supervisors) that inspired you or taught you something new? How will you apply it in your daily life?
When observing my supervisors, I was able to see how they simplified complex tasks to make sure that I was able to understand the task at hand. They consistently broke down complicated topics into smaller, understandable components without making anyone feel overwhelmed or inadequate. This skill created a collaborative and supportive environment, where everyone felt comfortable asking questions and sharing ideas. This made it easy to ask for any clarification questions I had though rarely did. They always made sure to have everything linked and shared so it was all easily accessible. This taught me the importance of clear and empathetic communication. Moving forward, I will strive to simplify my own communication, especially when explaining new concepts to others. I’ll also focus on creating a welcoming atmosphere in group settings by being approachable and encouraging.
If we did not have Mojo as our mascot, what character (fictional or realistic) would be a good fit to be our U+ mascot? Why?
If not Mojo as the U+ mascot, I would say that another good fit for a mascot would be the YRES mascot since it is also closely related to U+ and would have been a good fit which ties into the other programs that U+ has to offer. Another character that fits the personality of U+ and the values that U+ Education holds would be Mickey Mouse since Mickey is always finding ways to improve learning in young children and fits the values that U+ holds. As well as being kind and calm being the fun and whimsical character that he is, I would say that he fits the fun and encouraging values that U+ Education holds.
What is a surprising or unexpected thing you have learned about yourself during your placement so far? What will you do with this knowledge?
Something surprising that I have learnt about myself through this placement is how I am able to communicate with others over a work setting. I was able to coordinate when there was a smaller group project due and was able to organize the project efficiently. I always considered myself as a social butterfly and able to work with everyone but I have found that I have been able to use this position to develop those skills and push outside of my comfort level in taking the initiative of that role. With this knowledge, I plan to continue to work with other people and seek taking on other challenges to continue to challenge myself and push outside of my comfort zone to further grow.
If your current co-op position was not available during applications but you had to commit to U+, what role would you have selected? How do you think that experience would contribute to your personal and professional growth?
Another role that I would have selected if being a Marketing Assistant was not available, I would choose to be a Project Coordinator Assistant since I will be able to develop creative strategies to promote the company and recruit other schools and students into joining U+ Education. I would still be able to develop my canva and social media skills while learning new aspects that will help me in the future. This position would allow me to try other roles as there will still be tasks in other fields and spending time on community development projects.
Please upload a picture that describes your week/complements your answers to previous questions.