Ravi's November Week 4 Reflection
What have you observed in others (e.g., team members, supervisors) that inspired you or taught you something new? How will you apply it in your daily life?
I have seen co-workers and managers who remain composed and productive while under pressure, or when a project is due in a less amount of time. I have been impressed by their skills to disassemble the problems into subproblems and solving them consecutively. I plan to apply this by organizing real life tasks and breaking difficult tasks into smaller sub-tasks to ensure that I have better organization and reduced stress levels in daily tasks.
If we did not have Mojo as our mascot, what character (fictional or realistic) would be a good fit to be our U+ mascot? Why?
If Mojo wasn’t our mascot, the great choice for us would be the main hero of the Pixar movie called WALL-E. WALL-E characterizes curiosity, learning, persistence and these characteristics suit U+. His self-fulfilling passion for knowing and developing the world is in parallel with the goal of U+, student inspiration. Furthermore, he was very friendly and would be able to interact with the students and the audience well.
What is a surprising or unexpected thing you have learned about yourself during your placement so far? What will you do with this knowledge?
One of the things that I have realized during my placement is that I adapt very well to new situations such as when handling projects that require strict deadlines. This has proved to me that I am capable of doing much more than I initially imagined. This knowledge will help me to accept new responsibilities beyond my comfort zone and gain confidence in dealing with other tasks.
If your current co-op position was not available during applications but you had to commit to U+, what role would you have selected? How do you think that experience would contribute to your personal and professional growth?
If my current co-op position was not available for me, then I would have enrolled for the position in the marketing team at U+. This position would enable me to discover ways of advocating for programs and audiences which corresponds with my creativity and interpersonal abilities. For me, it would be beneficial as it involves skills in coming up with campaigns, analyzing the audience, and managing social media accounts, in addition to improving confidence in pitching ideas as well as executing projects.
Please upload a picture that describes your week/complements your answers to previous questions.