November Week 4 Reflection – Aaron Viegas

Aaron's November Week 4 Reflection

What have you observed in others (e.g., team members, supervisors) that inspired you or taught you something new? How will you apply it in your daily life?

Something I observed while working with fellow peers is that they were never shy about asking for help or clarification when needed. This was inspiring to me because I’ve always been hesitant to ask for help or further clarification. My team members have encouraged me to be more comfortable asking questions and seeking assistance when I need it.


If we did not have Mojo as our mascot, what character (fictional or realistic) would be a good fit to be our U+ mascot? Why?

I think a great fictional character for the U+ Education mascot would be Professor Owl. He’s a wise and approachable owl who has a unique talent for making learning fun. More than just a character, he embodies a friendly and knowledgeable guide who’s always curious and eager to explore new ideas. This makes Professor Owl an ideal symbol for U+, inspiring learners of all ages to embrace curiosity and enjoy the journey of education.


What is a surprising or unexpected thing you have learned about yourself during your placement so far? What will you do with this knowledge?

One thing I’ve learned that truly surprised me is how sociable I can be. Before joining U+ Education, I was always quite introverted in school. However, after starting this experience, I’ve found myself becoming more extroverted, vocal, and engaged in socializing with others. Now that I know I’m capable of being extroverted, I plan to continue building connections and friendships through socializing.


If your current co-op position was not available during applications but you had to commit to U+, what role would you have selected? How do you think that experience would contribute to your personal and professional growth?

If my Web Developer Assistant role was unavailable, and I had to join another department, I would join the marketing team. I believe learning more about marketing would support my future goals, as it would give me hands-on experience in selling products and teach me valuable strategies for marketing effectively.


Please upload a picture that describes your week/complements your answers to previous questions.

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