November Week 2 Reflection – Evelyn

Evelyn's November Week 2 Reflection

Reflect on the responsibilities you’ve taken on so far at U+, what project(s) are you most proud of and why? 

I am most proud of my recent project, which is designing the RES sites across the board. The two regions I am doing is KWRES and SES. I am proud of this project because this is something that is going to be published for anyone to see. I’m proud of the fact that a customer can look at the website and be impressed.


Think back to the goals you set for yourself near the beginning of your co-op term. What steps have you taken to achieve these goals? (if you haven’t started yet, what steps are you going to take?)

I have contact with a professional software engineer now, and I have also been talking a lot more to my team which is something that I haven’t done before. Additionally I am more disciplined during placement time and make sure to minimize any possible distractions. I also feel like I am accomplishing more throughout the day.


What’s an unexpected skill you developed over the work term so far and how do you envision this bringing a positive change to your career?

I developed more time management skills, and more skills related to the outcome of my work. I feel like my work is more refined, professional and polished than it used to be. I am sure this will be positive towards my career because time management is an essential in order to be successful in your career.


If you could change one thing about your working environment, what would it be and how would it positively impact the quality of your work?

One thing that I would change about the environment is maybe if it was a bit more relaxed, since I feel like everything is a bit uptight. This would positively affect the quality of my work, since I wouldn’t be under any stress or pressure, which would help me have more of a clear mind while I work.

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