Erin's November Week 1 Reflection

Reflect on your tasks this week. What was the most frustrating and fulfilling part of it? Briefly discuss how steps can be taken to improve workflow and team communication.
My tasks this week revolved around filming a promotion video with a group, and completing Eventbrite order form uploads. The team project was quite frustrating in order to sort out a clear outline for the video. Since everyone films at different locations and has different shift times, it was a little challenging to communicate/combine our ideas. However, to improve the final quality of the task and to effectively work together, we gathered to have a meeting to have verbal conversations and actually discuss ideas as a team! Due to that, our communication and collaboration improved as it truly requires initiative and willingness to contribute for a better outcome!
How do you stay inspired and motivated in your work, even on challenging days? In what ways does U+ support you during those challenging times?
Due to working in an online environment, it is very easy to have energy drained away and distracted, but my way to keep motivated is to set goals! I have a to-do list by my side to know the tasks that are due that day or soon. In that way, I can prioritize my schedule and have that sense of accomplishment when I checkbox tasks that I have completed. During challenging times, I would reach out to co-workers and project supervisors for guidance. U+ has supported me through the many resources and the group of people heading towards the same goal. I receive my support easily through initiating help, and I can also be a part of the role of assisting others!
What are some skills or “hidden talents” you have that could spark something new in our work if we tapped into them?
I would say I have strong skills in drawing and illustration which could really help the company promote programs for children! I personally love drawing and designing so my experience on Canva designing or digital art may play a role in marketing U+. Since there are many programs and collaborations offered, I hope this ability/skill of mine can come into play to bring some new creative elements to the company!
If you could collaborate with anyone in the company, who would it be and why?
I don’t have a particular person in mind but I would love to collaborate with some of the project managers here! I feel that I can learn a lot of useful skills and strategies on how to improve in working at U+. They definitely would have more experience than me so it would be an interesting collaboration to work with them by applying some of my skills as well. I feel that it would spark up new ideas and projects together, along with learning new things from them!