January Week 1 Reflection – Fatima

Fatima's January
Week 1 Reflection

What movie/book (standalone or series) best represents your co-op experience at U+? Explain why.

My experience at U+ as a co-op student reminds me of the movie, “The Founder”. The movie was based on the origin story of the franchise McDonalds, and all the different things they went through to establish it to the point it is now. I felt that I could relate to this movie because of the themes of learning to adapt to new environments. I also felt that I could connect working with many different types of people and continuously working on collaborative projects. I felt that I grew a lot of skills and work experience, so this movie was a good relation.


What learning and/or skill development took place on the job that you wouldn’t have experienced in school?

I gained a lot more hands-on experience on using different platforms and programs that I wouldn’t get a chance to use in school as they are unrelated. This includes using different Canva features, making videos, and using social media managing platforms like Hootsuite. I had not used them before, so it was nice to learn something new. I also gained a better understanding of workplace culture, which is good experience for my future work fields.


Did your understanding of the world of work change as a result of your participation in co-op this semester? How so/why not?

Yes, my understanding of the world of work did change a bit. There are many different expectations than we are usually used to in school, and we get to work with more real-world projects and scenarios. There aren’t always exact guidelines so it often requires taking initiative and putting problem-solving skills into play. Another thing that changed is that I used to think that all workplace communication was to remain strict and formal, but there was actually a balance as the environment is more relaxed. I learned that while remaining professional, it is important to build relationships and trust with your co-workers to have a comfortable environment to work in.


Your personal values shape the needs you require in a workplace and motivates you to make certain career decisions. With your U+ experience, what are the top three values that must be satisfied when you consider a future workplace? (For example, but not exclusively: advancement; altruism; autonomy; creativity; detailed work; leadership; fast-paced; friendships; high salary; problem-solving; solitary work; teamwork; supportive supervisor; variability/change; work/life balance.) Briefly explain why you chose those three values.

When considering a future workplace, I would choose the values of a supportive supervisor, friendships, and work/life balance. I would pick having a supportive supervisor because it is always good to know that there is someone who has your back and understands your work ethic. They can always be there to support you through your work and guide you whenever necessary. Building friendships in your workplace is also a good value, because it helps you become more settled into your environment. It makes it so people are easier to communicate with, and helps you enjoy your work more. Lastly, it is important to maintain work/life balance, as having enough time to do one thing is equally as important as the other. It helps you stay on track with work, not be tired, and also still work efficiently while being at peace.

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