Erin's January
Week 1 Reflection

What movie/book (standalone or series) best represents your co-op experience at U+? Explain why.
The movie Finding Nemo best represents my co-op experience at U+. Kind of like Marlin’s journey to find Nemo, I started co-op with a lot of uncertainty and I wanted to prove myself in a new environment. At first, the tasks seemed overwhelming, and I wasn’t always sure of the best way to approach challenges. I faced challenges along the way but learned to adapt, solve problems, and keep going.
What learning and/or skill development took place on the job that you wouldn’t have experienced in school?
On the job, one key skill I developed that I wouldn’t have experienced in school is real-world problem solving. While school often presents structured and theoretical problems, the workplace usually includes dealing with different kinds of challenges that need immediate, practical solutions. For example, I had to apply a different style of thinking when it came to completing my projects.
Did your understanding of the world of work change as a result of your participation in co-op this semester? How so/why not?
Yes, because it really helped shape my understanding of the workplace since I only have a very vague idea of what it could have been like. I was able to understand more about the responsibilities and how much effort had to go in your tasks. I could take similarities and differences from my school career and really pick out what new things I have learned and had not known before. Just like the workplace, the world of work also included the people that I have been able to work with. As I worked with a lot of people that had a really good work ethic and they were people I could really learn from.
Your personal values shape the needs you require in a workplace and motivates you to make certain career decisions. With your U+ experience, what are the top three values that must be satisfied when you consider a future workplace? (For example, but not exclusively: advancement; altruism; autonomy; creativity; detailed work; leadership; fast-paced; friendships; high salary; problem-solving; solitary work; teamwork; supportive supervisor; variability/change; work/life balance.) Briefly explain why you chose those three values.
My top three values that must is made when I consider a future workplace would consist of the following; teamwork, work/life balance, and a supportive work environment. For example, having teamwork would help a lot with having things work at a facer pace when we get people working along together, it helps with efficiency. Similar to having a work/life balance, having this in a workplace can help with the overall motivation and productivity of the people working there. Lastly, having a supportive work environment can help increase good relationships between people, as this can ensure people feel confident and comfortable to ask questions and present their work.