December Week 2 Reflection – Vanessa

Vanessa's December Week 2 Reflection

Describe a challenge you have faced in a project thus far. How did you overcome it?

A challenge that I have faced in a project would have been video editing. It was a challenge in making sure that everything would not delete once I added a new aspect to the video. There were many instances when editing videos, where the video would delete parts when adding sound because the time sounds and videos did not align. This caused for the editing that I had done to delete and mix up together. I have learnt new skills through this by saving every layer of the video and adding them all together at the end. This would ensure that if something gets deleted, I can simply add the videos back together without re-starting everything. 


At U+, we advocate for lifelong learning and professional development through experiences. Describe a time where you were pushed out of your comfort zone during your placement and what you have learned from the experience.

A time that I felt pushed outside of my comfort zone in this placement was multitasking many things at once. I always strive to make things exactly perfect which I know that it takes a longer time to do. Something that I have been doing to help that would be by looking at the bigger picture and finding a good balance between the both. I have learnt that even though you would want things to be perfect all the time, you would forget the grand scheme and by looking at it all together. This will help in the professional development as when taking on tasks, I will still be able to put by best foot forward without overthinking every little detail. This will allow for a good balance of all work that I am providing and ensuring I am delivering. 


What application or website do you use the most on a regular basis during your shift (e.g., Slack, Google search engine, What do you use it for?

The application that I use the most on a regular basis would be Canva since as a Marketing Assistant there are many flyer work that needs to be done and finding new tricks on Canva has been extremely helpful. Canva allows for cohesive flyer work and it allows me to use a variety of tools to enhance the promotional flyers that I will be posting on the social media accounts. Recently though, I have been frequently using Eventbrite since majority of my tasks revolve around Eventbrite. This experience has been very helpful since this has been a new site that I was able to learn from. I was able to understand and apply how this site works which would be helpful since now I know how to use Eventbrite. 


If you had to choose an animal (real or fictional) to describe your working style, what would it be and why?

A perfect animal representation of me is a cheetah. Cheetah’s are often relaxed and idle for periods of time, but when opportunity strikes. Cheetah’s sprint and get the job done, although they cannot sprint for long. The Cheetah’s sprinting period is similar to me a in a focused state, where I feel I can get anything done. Although, after some time, I begin to get distracted and often am less productive (Cheetah resting period) until eventually I am able to focus again. 


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