October Week 1 Reflection – Elina

Elina's October Week 1 Reflection

Please share how you feel about the onboarding process. What are some resources that were helpful, and what’s something you’d like to see implemented in the future?

For me, the onboarding and training process went well, since it was pretty straight-forward. Once I got used to slack, the communication process got easier. The onboarding tasks required me to know the company more, which meant I had to go through their website and get familiar with it. The videos I had to record required me to know what type of classes U+ offered and present it according to the scenario. The assignments allowed me to demonstrate my ability to communicate as well as my critical thinking, which are all important skills to have for the virtual positions.

Describe your main tasks this week. Who did you work with? How did you approach the task? What did you accomplish?

For this week, My first task was to pass the onboarding quiz that I have been reviewing for with Jessica. Thankfully, I passed with 13/13! Next up, I had the job of researching and learning about all the different types of grants on the OTF website for my accounting position. This included the eligibility, funding, application process, etc. This allowed me to gain more knowledge on the Grants systems.I also had the task of learning about what Quickbooks Online was and how it functions. This is also related to my accounting work which will be helpful in the future tasks. Then, I was assigned to complete the Back To School Drive Tracker along with many other Co-op students. For this task, we had to research and find information on a lot of different sponsors from all around Canada.

What is one big challenge you faced this week? Who did you turn to when you needed support? Describe what you learned and what you would do differently the next time.

During this week, I didn’t really have any challenges. If I had to say something though, I would say the continuous research was tiring. Personally, I don’t enjoy doing repetitive tasks so one of the projects where we had to find information on thousands of sponsors across Canada was a “challenge” to me. I Took small breaks from the repetitive research to help with the tedious tasks. I learned that even if I don’t like something, I’ll still need to do it and not just give up on the project and do something else instead.

What are three main skills U+/YRES allowed you to leverage/develop this week? Reflect on how each skill brings value to your professional development and propels you forward in the industry.

The first skill would definitely be independent work. Being in a virtual position enforces my individual work and independence. A lot of the work is just assigned and left to be completed within a certain deadline. This is useful in the future as in the workplace, no one will be always watching over you to make sure the work is complete. The second skill is communication. I got to develop my communication skills since we are online and we can’t communicate through verbal language. This helps with my non-verbal communication skills. Lastly, I got to work on my initiative. In this online setting, we often need to show initiative when something comes up. If we don’t show initiative, then no one will know what we need or want.

What personal motto or guiding principle would you bring with you to your role next week, and how do you see it helping you contribute to our organization’s mission?

I would use “Learn, Apply, Thrive.” Since we are done with the onboarding tasks, I want to get into the real work. I want to learn about skills and new tools I can apply into work, or maybe learn something new and start a project on it. Then I’ll be able to apply it into practice. 

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