November Week 4 Reflection – Hudson

Hudson's November Week 4 Reflection

What have you observed in others (e.g., team members, supervisors) that inspired you or taught you something new? How will you apply it in your daily life?

I noticed that a lot of my team members & my project supervisor would type out their own notes whenever we worked together on a project. They’d do so to continuously track their progress on tasks and outline specific steps and reminders helpful to them completing their project, making me discover how helpful it can be to document any thoughts or prompts so that we can remember them. I apply this throughout my daily life by using a notes app to write down any ideas or reminders I need to set up for myself, whether it’s remembering the show I want to watch on television or recording an important time I need to visit somewhere.


If we did not have Mojo as our mascot, what character (fictional or realistic) would be a good fit to be our U+ mascot? Why?

I think the minions from Despicable Me would be a good replacement for U+’s mascot because it embodies the lovable and enthusiastic character that Mojo has! They both have a simple, but approachable appearance and the minion’s yellow appearance would compliment the orange brand colour U+ Education has. Also, I’d say that the minions demonstrate an eagerness to learn as they explore learning an endless amount of gadgets & technologies in the movie to chaotically use, which is similar to how Mojo explores learning Earth’s languages!


What is a surprising or unexpected thing you have learned about yourself during your placement so far? What will you do with this knowledge?

I learnt that the responsibilities that involve a lot of writing and research are generally the tasks I’m able to stay productive for the longest time. I learned that I have a lot of mental capacity to do things such as cross-referencing for information, creating notes, and even writing this HS Co-op blog! Now that I know this, I might take more interest in responsibilities and pursuits that involve strong research skills and documentation expertise in the future along with my interest in business!


If your current co-op position was not available during applications but you had to commit to U+, what role would you have selected? How do you think that experience would contribute to your personal and professional growth?

I believe I would’ve selected the accounting assistant position as an alternative because its responsibilities strongly align with my research and documentation skills I previously mentioned, along with my interest in learning more about accounting and finance in general. I believe that the accounting assistant position would help me understand the nature of the projects that accountants generally perform and get assigned, while exposing me to an entirely new sector I know very little about.


Please upload a picture that describes your week/complements your answers to previous questions.

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