Mayuresan's November Week 2 Reflection

Reflect on the responsibilities you’ve taken on so far at U+, what project(s) are you most proud of and why?
Reflecting on the responsibilities I’ve taken on so far at U+, projects I am most proud of would be the LEGO Robotics program. With this week marking the end of delivering the program at York Region schools, I was able to see the impact Christina and our team were able to create through the lessons. As I got the privilege to work on the lessons myself, I am confident that I was able to make learning LEGO Robotics engaging and fun for students.
Think back to the goals you set for yourself near the beginning of your co-op term. What steps have you taken to achieve these goals? (if you haven’t started yet, what steps are you going to take?)
Setting up a weekly calendar and planning ahead any deadlines and meetings are some of the steps I have been taking to achieve goals I’ve set for myself, such as time management and organization. To avoid burn-out and workplace stress, I have been able to give myself breaks and opportunities to reflect on my work, whether that would be through these blogs or by talking to supervisors and colleagues.
What’s an unexpected skill you developed over the work term so far and how do you envision this bringing a positive change to your career?
An unexpected skill I developed over the work term so far would be stronger teamwork and collaborative skills . I envision this bringing a positive change to my career by making me more open to team discussions and networking opportunities while working with different kinds of people. Having strong teamwork abilities can also refine my leadership skills, something I am working on.
If you could change one thing about your working environment, what would it be and how would it positively impact the quality of your work?
If I could change one thing about my working environment, it would be more windows and sunlight. It would positively impact the quality of my work by giving me the opportunity to mentally de-stress and allowing for more focus on my work. Working near more sunlight has been proven to increase concentration and energy levels, which is something I believe would improve the quality of my work.
Please upload a picture that describes your week.