Erin's November Week 1 Reflection
Reflect on your tasks this week. What was the most frustrating and fulfilling part of it? Briefly discuss how steps can be taken to improve workflow and team communication.
My tasks this week required a lot of learning when it came to new resources and tools. Most of the times things would go really smoothly and I’d know what to do right away, but since I’m human sometimes things can get confusing or I’d just not know what to do or how to do some aspects of my work. When it does come to this there are simple ways to overcome it. Firstly, if I don’t get it myself right away I could watch videos or go back to old work to understand more, then I could ask coworkers and lastly I can ask supervisors and team managers. Just letting yourself be heard and knowing that sometimes you need assistance and greatly improve your workflow.
How do you stay inspired and motivated in your work, even on challenging days? In what ways does U+ support you during those challenging times?
I always find a way to change up my routine to stay inspired and motivated. I would do this by changing my environment, like if I start getting bored and the days get repetitive while I’m at home I could go do my work at school or in a community centre. U+ also supports me during these challenging days by acknowledging my workflow and regularly checking up on me.
What are some skills or “hidden talents” you have that could spark something new in our work if we tapped into them?
Some skills or “hidden talents” that could spark something new in our work that I have can include my creativity. I know that it’s a very board skill it have but that’s the good thing about it, as it can be applied to any situation if required. We could always try new things with our work and tasks, without them being repetitive in a way that could lead to burn out or just overall lack of productivity. We could approach projects in a way that less people look at it, as this can help create new and unique ideas and experiences.
If you could collaborate with anyone in the company, who would it be and why?
I would collaborate more with my team managers and project leaders. The reason for this is that I find them to always know what to do and I find their work admirable. I feel that learning directly from someone greater than you can immensely help with your skills and work ethic. You can receive so much advice and wisdom from their past experiences, since almost always they were in the same position as you.