December Week 3 Reflection – Elina

Elina's December Week 3 Reflection

Reflecting on your job performance, what factors (e.g., environment, intrinsic motivation) contribute to your productivity? Please briefly explain how so. 

 I think the clear expectations from my supervisor and teacher, as well as my time management, contribute to my productivity. The clear expectations from my supervisor and teacher to get the work done remind me to stay on track because I don’t want to disappoint them by not getting the work done. My time management helps with this because it allows me to stay productive and get work done before the deadline.  


Interviewees often ask the interviewer about the company culture during interviews. Reflecting on your placement experience at U+, how would you describe the U+ company culture? 

Reflecting on my placement experience at U+, I would describe the U+ company culture as welcoming, supportive, and fun. U+ is very welcoming and inclusive to anyone and can make all new employees feel welcomed. U+ is also supportive with any tasks and projects. Supervisors give feedback to help you improve on your work. And of course, it is fun to be a part of! We always have fun assignments to work on, and they really help reflect on our learning.


What are two things you are grateful for that is related to your placement? (E.g., an opportunity to work on a certain project, making new friends)

 I am grateful for the friends I made along the way and the supportive mentorship I’ve received. The friends I made really made my placement more enjoyable. I will definitely remember all the laughs we’ve had together and the fun tasks we’ve worked on together. I’m also thankful for the guidance and feedback from my supervisor and colleagues. Their support has helped me grow professionally and feel more confident in my abilities.


Our sister organization YRES has a mascot called Nova, a big horned sheep. There are no other details about her other than she always wears a red kerchief and that she is always ready for an adventure. What do you suppose is the backstory of Nova?

Nova must have been a very adventurous bighorn sheep. Maybe she always used to go on adventures in the mountainous terrain and came across a chance to meet the volunteers and campers of YRES who were also on an adventure. Nova was always known for her courage, her leadership, and her willingness to take on new challenges. The YRES organization has heard of Nova’s story and saw that she was the perfect mascot for their newly formed organization. So, Nova became the official mascot of YRES, always ready for the next adventure, whether it’s leading young minds to new discoveries or tackling big challenges with her leadership. 


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