December Week 1 Reflection – Fatima

Fatima's December Week 1 Reflection

Reflect on your current projects and responsibilities. Are you surprised or satisfied with your contributions so far? Where do you see improvement since the beginning of the term? 

My current projects and responsibilities include using a post schedule calendar to make and upload posts on the U+ Education Instagram account, and to work on editing Eventbrite events for YRES. I am both satisfied and surprised to see these contributions, as it is important to see how much the mutual trust has grown. I am satisfied to see that I have been given such important responsibilities, and I make sure to do my best on these tasks. Compared to the beginning of my term, I am happy to say that my graphic design skills have definitely improved significantly, and I know how to utilize brand kits well. I am also satisfied that I had the chance to learn how to use many different programs, like Eventbrite.

When thinking of the work that you do, the people you work with, and the outcomes of your projects, what aspect brings you the most fulfillment? Are there any other aspects not mentioned that you want to highlight?

The aspect that brings me the most fulfillment when I think of my work here at U+ is how I get the chance to collaborate with my co-workers on work I genuinely enjoy doing. Since I have a passion for graphic design, I want to highlight how important it is to me to get the chance to gain work experience at an amazing company, while still getting the chance to do something I enjoy. I am also grateful to share this responsibility with my co-workers and have the chances to collaborate on different projects, whether it includes graphic design or not. The most fulfilling aspect of the work I do at U+ is gaining experience, working with people, and to see my work flourish.

Collaboration is a huge motivational factor in the workplace. Out of the people you’ve worked with at U+, choose a minimum of 3 people to show appreciation to and explain your choice. 

I have learned a lot from everyone that I got the chance to work with at U+ Education, but some people that stand out to me are Kevin, Ocean, and Zhen. They are all amazing people to work with. Kevin is my project manager, which means he gives projects for my team and I to work on. I appreciate his work for the company and his assistance to me very much, as he always works hard and gives good instructions for work. The same goes for Zhen, as she is very helpful whenever anyone has a question, and is also a very understanding person in general. Lastly, Ocean is a person who I have had the person to work with multiple times recently and in the past. We have similar ideas which make collaborating with each other easy and straightforward. We have similar tasks, and he has also helped me with any questions I had asked in the past.

If you could mentor a new hire, what would you share as the most valuable advice?

If I could mentor a new hire at U+, I would tell them to be open to learning and to build strong relationships with their co-workers. These are incredibly valuable pieces of advice, not only when working at U+, but can be applied when you are working anywhere. Having a mindset where you are always striving to learn more is great, as it can open the chance to new opportunities in the company or in the future. You can have the chance to learn how to do so many things that could help you in the future. Additionally, building strong relationships with your co-workers is also important, because it helps you learn more about them and helps build trust within each other. This would make you a reliable employee, that people would enjoy working with.


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