December Week 1 Reflection – Aruran

Aruran's December Week 1 Reflection

Reflect on your current projects and responsibilities. Are you surprised or satisfied with your contributions so far? Where do you see improvement since the beginning of the term? 

I am extremely satisfied with my contributions so far. As a web developer, my tasks were to fix and improve on certain RES sites, and comparing the old sites to what they are now is extremely satisfying. I definitely improved when it comes to using Wix efficiently as I learned new techniques to make matters easier and quicker.


When thinking of the work that you do, the people you work with, and the outcomes of your projects, what aspect brings you the most fulfillment? Are there any other aspects not mentioned that you want to highlight?

The aspect that brings me the most fulfillment is the work itself. Working as a web developer at U+ Education allowed me to learn Wix more and how to utilize it more efficiently as mentioned above, and when I look at the final product, while comparing to the original, it makes me realize how much I have improved when using Wix.


Collaboration is a huge motivational factor in the workplace. Out of the people you’ve worked with at U+, choose a minimum of 3 people to show appreciation to and explain your choice. 

Out of all the people I have worked with, I would like to appreciate Saif Jagshi, Neeha Baral and Aaron Viegas. Saif is the closest person I have as a friend at this placement, and he makes U+ quite fun to work at, although we are both working from home. Neeha is a great mentor, as she constantly checks in to make sure I am not stuck on anything and if I were to be, she always creates a Google Meet to help me out. Aaron shares the same role as me and he always checks over my work to make sure I have completed it correctly.


If you could mentor a new hire, what would you share as the most valuable advice?

Learn how to get the hang of Slack quickly. Slack is a very useful tool that is used by U+ Education to communicate with others, and the sooner you get the hang of using it, the more useful it would be. I remember when I first started my placement, I would be late to meetings as I did not know where to join, however now that I can utilize Slack properly, I know how to join and I am able to join on time, if not early.

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