Zhenyan's Reflection
What were your initial expectations coming to work at U+, and how have they evolved after your first month on the job?
Originally I thought I was going to take on teaching 1 on 1 classes during May/June and attend summer camp in July/August. I did not end up getting assigned the 1 on 1 classes, but I still got to create curriculum and teach youth workshops, along with supervising our lovely and hardworking volunteers! Although not formal projects, I have also gained exposure in marketing strategies and business development, which I think are valuable skills for me to have!
What were your first interactions with the team and how have you been working to build relationships between you and your fellow team members?
Entering the workplace, I was surprised by the friendly environment. There was a moment where it hit me that I was surrounded by coworkers my age and could be comfortable expressing myself around them! Although the work that I do is solo, I found it really easy to connect with my fellow coops especially during in person training sessions, camps, and events with various icebreaker activities. I am also not afraid to ask questions due to the supportive environment and communication channels we use 🙂
How do you envision your term at U+ contributing to your personal and professional growth?
So far, my work at U+ has definitely encouraged me to break out of my shell and try new things. I learned to appreciate the challenge of every new task and optimize it in ways that take into consideration its prolonged impact for the organization’s future. I’ve also heard that I will be working with children with special needs in the fall, which I look forward to as it will push me closer to my professional goals!
Who do you want to show some appreciation to the most and why?
Macy — Thanks for keeping me entertained during slow info sessions 🙂
Choose a meme (or funny picture) that encapsulates your first month/experience at U+ so far