Cindy – April Reflection

My April with U Plus Education

How has your co-op influenced your career goals and future plans? Are you considering pursuing a career in the field you completed your co-op in?

Some of the main lessons and takeaways I learnt during my term here is the importance of community and friendships. Making friends who support you and your goals really improve your experience and productivity! Being patient and understanding with kids go a long way πŸ‘and that communication is key, and this applies to everyone! friends, high school coops, volunteers, and kids. Perseverance and adaptability are important! You should always continuously try to do your best and reach your goals, even if it might seem very far away. If something isn’t working, take note and switch it up. Try numerous things and see what works well, where it works well, and why it works well and apply them. Another huge lesson I learnt is to step outside of your comfort zone more. This term has opened up numerous opportunities that I usually would not have taken or even thought of, and I have no regrets about any of them. Each opportunity I took gave me a chance to develop myself as a person. πŸ‘πŸ™‚

What advice would you offer to fellow students who are planning to embark on their co-op journeys or are currently in the midst of their co-op experiences?

Despite this coop not aligning with my career path, it has still helped me with my future plans. Teaching math to kids has allowed me to internalize many math concepts as I would need to familiarize myself with them prior to teaching. I have also developed many crucial skills such as communication, leadership, teamwork, and time management during my time here.

What advice would you offer to fellow students who are planning to embark on their co-op journeys or are currently in the midst of their co-op experiences?

You will face many unexpected challenges here, but its okay to reach out and ask for support or help. Creating friendships are important and you should take advantage of your time together by communicating with each other!

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