Melody's October Week 2 Reflection

What were your initial expectations coming to work at U+/YRES, and how have they evolved after your first couple weeks on the job?
At the beginning of my Co-op at U+/YRES, I expected a dynamic environment where I’d learn to apply my creative skills to digital content creation. After the first couple of weeks, my expectations have evolved. I have found that collaboration and communication play a much larger role in the creative process than I originally thought. The atmosphere is both professional and fun, and the supportive work culture has helped me adjust to the pace and technical challenges.
What is one strategy that you use to manage co-op and academic work? What’s something that U+ does well in helping you in maintaining that balance?
One strategy I use to manage both Co-op and academic work is time-blocking. I set aside specific hours each day for my Co-op tasks and designate separate time slots for academic assignments. This helps me stay organized and ensures that I don’t feel overwhelmed. Something U+ does well in supporting this balance is the clear communication about deadlines and expectations. My supervisors are understanding and flexible, which allows me to plan my work around both my job responsibilities and my academic workload.
One of the key parts of success in a workplace is setting goals. No matter the magnitude or length, goal-setting helps you recognize what you want to accomplish in any professional work setting. What are some things you want to achieve during your co-op at U+?
During my Co-op at U+, one of my primary goals is to strengthen my creative skills, particularly in digital content creation, by producing high-quality materials that align with the organization’s standards. I also want to improve my communication skills, especially in presenting ideas clearly to my supervisor and co-workers. Another goal is to build a stronger sense of confidence in balancing professional work with academic commitments.
What interactions or collaborations with colleagues or supervisors stood out to you this week? How did these interactions enhance your understanding of the workplace and the industry?
This week, a standout interaction was when my supervisor provided detailed project instructions on the social media project I had to work on next. We had an in-depth conversation about what I needed to research and do for the media. This helped me have an overview of what I need to do and prepare. I also collaborated with a colleague on a poster, where we helped others to make it more engaging. These interactions enhanced my understanding of how collaborative the digital content creation process is in the workplace.