October Week 2 Reflection – Erin Lalongisip

Erin's October Week 2 Reflection

What were your initial expectations coming to work at U+/YRES, and how have they evolved after your first couple weeks on the job?

I first expectations coming to work at this organization was that I always had to be serious and independent with little to no coworkers that could assist me. I also assumed that the workload would be too much for a high schooler to handle. But after spending a few weeks here I found that I could relax and not have much stress, because so far everyone has been so helpful and that I wasn’t alone. The tasks and projects given were enough to keep me busy and accomplished from what work I had already completed.

What is one strategy that you use to manage co-op and academic work? What’s something that U+ does well in helping you in maintaining that balance?

One strategy that I use to manage all of my work is time management. Usually time is something that I used to always have an issue with, so planning out my work and preparing what I had to do helped me keep track of my assignments and work without having to go back and forth further wasting time. Which could cause my work to start stacking up. So being on track of everything and budgeting your time strategically can immensely help out with making sure that you maintain that healthy work and school ethic.

One of the key parts of success in a workplace is setting goals. No matter the magnitude or length, goal-setting helps you recognize what you want to accomplish in any professional work setting. What are some things you want to achieve during your co-op at U+?

Some of the things I want to accomplish during my time here at U+ is definitely trying to make an impact on the company, like things like making strong connections with the supervisors and my coworkers. As well as actually being able to have small successions in my tasks and projects. This can also mean just making an improvement to myself and being able to see that when I look back at my experience.

What interactions or collaborations with colleagues or supervisors stood out to you this week? How did these interactions enhance your understanding of the workplace and the industry?

From interactions like meetings, general inquiries I ask, how other people interact with each other and me made me really think about how well this organization can work. Everyone is super supportive and helpful it would be hard to get lost, there’s even a sense of community and belonging that makes this work environment much more enjoyable. It makes me realize how much communication and connection is needed in a work setting like this because of how it would be hard to get things done alone and by yourself. 

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