October Week 1 Reflection – Aliya

Aliya's October Week 1 Reflection

Please share how you feel about the onboarding process. What are some resources that were helpful, and what’s something you’d like to see implemented in the future?

The previous on-boarding tasks were low stress and fun to do. Something I found useful was the on-boarding website. It was very informative and insightful therefore I was able to find out many things about U+, how to use Slack, Mascot information, company values, etc. This website greatly benefited me when studying for the onboarding quiz. I believe that the resources provided were adequate and do not need any further implementation. But I would like to receive more analytical work as I want to learn more about business and finance.

Describe your main tasks this week. Who did you work with? How did you approach the task? What did you accomplish?

The tasks set for this week include researching the top sponsors of Canada, filling out the Back To School Drive Tracker, and getting more familiar with Monday.com. This week I worked with my fellow peers in filling out columns b-f in the Back To School Tracker. I approached this task with willingness and curiosity as I was willing to put the work in and curiously looked through the company’s website to input the required information. I accomplished researching and finding information about companies’ websites and adding it to the group Google sheets.

What is one big challenge you faced this week? Who did you turn to when you needed support? Describe what you learned and what you would do differently the next time.

I have not yet faced a big challenge this week, but if I were to I would turn to ZhenYan and speak to her during the Coffee Chats and I would turn to Tanya as she is my coop supervisor and I can speak to her during general meetings and through Slack messages.

What are three main skills U+/YRES allowed you to leverage/develop this week? Reflect on how each skill brings value to your professional development and propels you forward in the industry.

Three main skills U+ allowed me to develop, improve, and utilize my problem-solving skills, my attention to detail, and communication. These qualities bring value to my professional development and propels me forward in the industry by setting an example of how to deal with different scenarios and regulate how to manage them. For example, when in difficulty I use my communication to ask for help and for clarification this allows me to gain insight. Secondly, a sharp attention to detail allows me to put out my best work and make sure I make no errors. Lastly, the problem-solving tactics allow me to practice using my ethics and finding a solution to a problem quickly.

What personal motto or guiding principle would you bring with you to your role next week, and how do you see it helping you contribute to our organization’s mission?

A guiding principle I would bring to my role next week is to not be afraid to ask questions and to seek help if needed. Going into a new role can be difficult and challenging therefore asking superiors for help can be daunting but it is essential to have a better understanding of what is going on and how to overcome obstacles I do not know how to face. This will help me contribute to the organization’s mission as I will be prepared and fully comprehend how to complete tasks that are benefits for the organization. By effectively and efficiently contributing to U+ I would help them stay on track of what work needs to be done and allow the company to do what they do best without any interference.

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