January Week 1 Reflection – Mayuresan

Mayuresan's January
Week 1 Reflection

What movie/book (standalone or series) best represents your co-op experience at U+? Explain why.

A movie that I believe accurately represents my co-op experience at U+ Education would be the “The Pursuit of Happyness” (2006). I found myself in the same position as Chris Gardner, eager to find change and meaning in my professional career, no matter the challenges I may face throughout the journey.


What learning and/or skill development took place on the job that you wouldn’t have experienced in school?

I would have to say that soft skills such as time management and effective communication skills enhanced professional development while at my co-op placement, skills that I likely wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity to enhance at school. Additionally, learning further about the needs of young children through online training from the Canadian Tire Jumpstart program video modules was something that I found valuable and something I don’t get to learn at school.


Did your understanding of the world of work change as a result of your participation in co-op this semester? How so/why not?

My understanding of the world of work changed heavily, as a result of my participation in co-op this semester. My expectations on how the world of work would be drastically changed. At first, I believed that following instructions and working as fast as I could was key to success, however I realized that finding what works best for you and using critical thinking to make good judgements on my work were crucial rather than focusing on the final product. Working at U+ this semester definitely marked a significant chapter in my professional journey.


Your personal values shape the needs you require in a workplace and motivates you to make certain career decisions. With your U+ experience, what are the top three values that must be satisfied when you consider a future workplace? (For example, but not exclusively: advancement; altruism; autonomy; creativity; detailed work; leadership; fast-paced; friendships; high salary; problem-solving; solitary work; teamwork; supportive supervisor; variability/change; work/life balance.) Briefly explain why you chose those three values.

The top three values that must be satisfied when I consider a future workplace would be a supportive supervisor, a work/life balance, and teamwork. As my term was spent mostly virtually, I highly benefited from the support and mentorship that Tanya and Christina provided me with, as well as the support from colleagues from other departments at U+. The connections and sense of community I was able to foster helped me feel motivated, even while working from home. A work/life balance I feel is crucial for high school students, who are already overwhelmed with classes and extracurriculars. Knowing there’s a place that they can be at ease means everything. Lastly, teamwork always allows for more creative input and diverse perspectives to be considered, resulting in higher-quality work and more efficiency!

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